We, the registered owner, the publisher, the designer and the host of this website collectively, do not take responsibility for any decisions made that are based on any advice, consultations, lessons, readings, guidance or therapy received from or through this site.
Nor shall we liable for any emotional distress or personal misfortune, setbacks or losses that may be experienced in relation to any advice received from or through this site.
We do not claim to be doctors, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, financial planners, lawyers or ministers of religion. Anyone in need of medical, legal, financial, religious or psychiatric help should consult the appropriate professional for advice.
Jenny does energy balancing and therapeutic regulating of energy fields. She offers her services in order to help others with their personal problems, and is dedicated to promoting responsible human consciousness and spirituality.
Please note that outcomes and predictions can be affected by circumstances, psychic misinterpretations or personal choices.
A consultation is meant as guidance only and is not meant to replace any professional advice in medicine, law, psychiatry, financial planning or religion. Ultimately, YOU must make your own choices for your circumstances and your life.
We believe in the metaphysical and healing properties of stones, crystals and other items. However, we have to state that metaphysical and healing information are ‘for entertainment purposes only’. Any metaphysical and healing information given here is not to be construed as prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. Consult a doctor or other healthcare practitioner for all ailments, diseases and injuries. We assume no liability for any use or misuse of information received from or through this site.