27 Aug, 2020 | Aura, Crystal Healing, Meditation, Others, Psychic Reading, Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Uncategorized
Crystals for memory, mental focus and brain power Do you have trouble remembering things? Keeping your mind focused can be difficult for some people, especially when we have too many thoughts clogging up our minds and causing us to become distracted. There is a number...
17 Aug, 2020 | Others, Uncategorized
What if the hungry ghost month was a man-made belief? The annual hungry ghost month welcomes us on Aug. 19. This is a time when believers would normally burn hell money for their ancestors, place offerings in public places, and become more mindful of superstitious...
13 Aug, 2020 | Aura, Crystal Healing, Meditation, Others, Psychic Reading, Reiki, Spiritual Healing
Ghostly encounters that traumatized those around me Since the hungry ghost month is around the corner, let me tell you stories of three ghostly encounters in Singapore that have traumatized the people that I know. These stories that I am about to share have been told...