9 Apr, 2024 | Angels, Aura, Career, Christmas, Crystal Healing, Dark forces, Faith, Horoscope, House cleansing, Intuition, Manifestation, Meditation, Relationships, Self-Care, Spiritual Healing, Uncategorized
The difference between Mandala and Thangka The mandala and thangka are sacred ancient artworks in Buddhism, Hinduism, and other religions. Their intricate drawings commonly depict symbols, deities, and mantras that aid in meditation. What is a mandala? The mandala...
9 Dec, 2021 | Aura, Career, Christmas, Faith, Horoscope, New Year, Others, Uncategorized
These days, people get out of bed only to jump back in again and work on their laptops. The mother’s in the living room, next to a younger sibling having an online class, and the father’s all suited up and attending a meeting from the dining table. The scenario plays...
1 Jan, 2021 | Angels, Christmas, Intuition, New Year, Others
Welcome to 2021, GypseeJenny readers! Give yourself a pat on the back for making it this far, will you? You’ve just pulled through what was probably one of the toughest years anyone has seen in the past decade, but the pandemic is far from over. Up till this day, the...
20 Dec, 2020 | Angels, Christmas, Manifestation, Meditation, New Year
Good job, everyone! We’re finally reaching the tail end of the year and that means it’s time to prepare for a fresh start as we usher in 2021. This year has been such a trying time for so many of us who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for those...
5 Dec, 2020 | Angels, Aura, Christmas
Are we approaching Christmas already? Wow, how time flies. This year’s festive occasion may be slightly different due to the COVID-19 pandemic restricting the size of gatherings and traveling. But pandemic or not, nothing can stop the season of giving from going on....