9 Apr, 2024 | Angels, Aura, Career, Christmas, Crystal Healing, Dark forces, Faith, Horoscope, House cleansing, Intuition, Manifestation, Meditation, Relationships, Self-Care, Spiritual Healing, Uncategorized
The difference between Mandala and Thangka The mandala and thangka are sacred ancient artworks in Buddhism, Hinduism, and other religions. Their intricate drawings commonly depict symbols, deities, and mantras that aid in meditation. What is a mandala? The mandala...
20 Jan, 2022 | Horoscope, Loved Ones, Match makings, Relationships, Self-Care
Finding love is not easy, neither is it hard. But society’s expectations for us to get married can make a loveless life difficult to live, especially as we approach festive occasions like Chinese New Year. It’s a great occasion for families to reunite and catch up...