Meditation is a technique that has traversed centuries. It’s a process to practice mindfulness. Practicing meditation regularly makes us aware of our surroundings and helps us grasp the objectives of life in a more composed manner. This spiritual healing method makes us feel more connected to our inner selves. There are several practitioners who provide spiritual healing services in Singapore.
However, before you sign up for one of them, you need to keep in mind that meditation or any other healing methods need consistency to show fruitful results in your life. And the first step to staying consistent is to become comfortable. Supine mediation is one of the popular spiritual healing methods favoured by many beginners in Singapore. Regardless, many feel confused about whether it actually works.
Let’s dive in and understand what professionals think:
Is it okay to meditate lying down?
Meditation is a healing process that is supposed to help you be at ease. So you should pick a position that feels right for you. Master Jenny, a proficient guru in the field of spiritual healing, believes that people often stick to the idealism of the ‘perfect’ way to meditate, which leads to mind-diversion. She says that there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to meditation. Whether you’re lying down or sitting, any type of meditation can benefit you.
If lying down works best for you, consider the Shavasana pose, also known as the corpse pose. It’s a common posture in Tibetan Buddhism and can be a great way for you to relax. In her classes in Singapore, she shares her thoughts on spiritual wellness, how it impacts our body and mind, and the best way to use meditation to regain your composure and well-being.
It’s all about how good you feel inside and out when practicing yoga or meditation.
How does it make our bodies feel?
If you’re someone who is practicing meditation for the first time, it’s essential to find your comfort zone.
Find your comfort
For meditation, lying down is often the cosiest position. When you’re snug in a blanket, stretched out on the floor, or in a restful pose, lying down can be the perfect way to unwind during meditation.
Ease your discomfort.
If you’re dealing with pain, discomfort, or other issues that make sitting difficult, meditating while lying down might be the most comfortable choice. It could help ease your pain and make your meditation experience more pleasant.
Go for a natural position.
Sitting up for meditation might feel a bit unnatural for some. If that’s the case for you, lying down could be a much more relaxing option. Always go with what feels right for you to get the best results.
Gypsee Jenny’s World of Light Pte. Ltd. offers spiritual healing services in Singapore. Schedule a consultation today!